Poinciana Locksmith

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Do You Really Want Master Pins in Locks

Locks can be complicated to understand. Everyone wants to be able to protect their loved ones and the things that they have always worked hard to get. Sturdy, dependable locks should be your goal when choosing the right type of lock for your home or business.

Master Pins in Locks

This isn’t something that you might hear everyday but when you’re in the market for new locks, you might. There are pins in the lock tumbler that will allow the lock to disengage with one or more keys. This is often the type of lock that you would find in an office building where there are other tenants. Knowing why these different pins are necessary and whether or not you’ll need this type of lock is important when you decide that you need to have locks installed or replaced. If you are a manager for a company and don’t want to have to carry around different keys then a lock that has master pins would probably work best for you. Many building superintendents rely on these types of locks to gain access to areas of the building where they are performing a job. A realtor, housekeepers, janitor service or property manager might all benefit from the use of a lock with master pins since they usually need to be able to gain access to other areas of the building. A master key system is essential to these experts being able to efficiently perform their job. Having a master lock with master pins doesn’t come without its fair share of pros and cons. While we’ve already presented a good reason for having this type of lock, we now have to discuss the reasons why you may not want this type of lock.

Problems Experienced with Master Pins

Not everyone would agree to have master pin locks installed. This is because they have likely experienced the negative side of such locks. The unfortunate thing about having this type of lock installed is that it can be picked fairly easily. It might be a better idea to have high-security locks installed or an access controlled system. It comes with less of a risk. It would be in your best interest to contact a professional locksmith to discuss how you can enhance your level of security even if you have a master pins. One way to ensure that no one is able to gain access into your home by picking your master pin lock is by having a high security lock installed alongside the lock. This will add to its level of security. Using different master key systems in various areas of your home or building is another option. Some people might not think this is a good way to secure your property but it is certainly a way to provide added security.

Some people who use a key for a master pin lock complain of still having to carry too many keys. They say that even though they can access the lock that has the master pins, they aren’t able to use the same key for other doors in the same building. This means that they have to then carry various keys. Even having a cylinder with master pins and low bottom pins can cause the door to jam and prevent the key from working. It’s clear that this type of system isn’t perfect and isn’t for everyone. Having keyless locks and access control systems, with fewer issues, makes it difficult to understand why anyone would ever want to use the master pin system. However, if this type of system has worked for you and continuous to work for you and your circumstances; then you may want to stick with it. You can always consul with a locksmith if you want to maximize the level of security you can obtain despite the master pins in your lock.

It doesn’t matter if you are looking for locks for your home or business. You will be inundated with information from all types of sources. While you are looking around and doing your research, your safety and security might be in jeopardy. Don’t take chances when you can always speak with a locksmith directly to find out more about the type of locks that you might be interested in. If you are leaning toward a lock with master pins then allow someone to discuss this with you in further detail. You want to make a well-informed decision and speaking with a locksmith is sure to be able to help you do this. It is very important to your safety and security to make sure you choose a durable lock that will undoubtedly provide you with the level of security that you are seeking. It may come from a lock with master pins and it may not. Regardless of whether it does or not, the bottom line is that a locksmith is capable of providing you added security alongside your master pin lock. You don’t have to go and remove your master pin locks and have them replaced. They can be improved with added security features.

We understand that the average homeowner may not know everything that they may want to know about locks. That is why most locksmiths are glad to discuss the various types of locks that might work for you specific situation. Never take unnecessary chances with any lock that you may choose to have installed. Contact a locksmith and learn all the pros and cons.