Poinciana Locksmith

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5 Tips to Improve the Security of Sliding Glass Doors

For most homes that feature this type of entry point, a sliding glass door can present a significant vulnerability that may be exploited by criminals looking to get inside. Sliding glass doors are prized for their ability to let in lots of light to your home as well as providing convenient access to your patio and backyard. By taking steps to ensure that your sliding glass or patio door has additional protect, you’ll lower the risk of a break-in or similar crime occurring to your home.

As much as none of us want to think about our homes being burglarized, the sad reality is that it’s more common than you may think. An experienced criminal knows what weaknesses to look for and exploit, and can make quick work of getting inside your home. It’s always important to take proactive steps to fully protect your home against any threats that may be lurking outside. Sliding glass doors effectively act as a big display window, tempting potential burglars with a full view of your home’s interior, so always make sure you keep valuables tucked away, electronics installed at less visible points in your home, and blinds covering these doors when you’re away.

1. Insert Something to Block the Door from Moving

If you have a sliding glass door, one of the most effective and easy ways to ensure that the security of the door is not breeched is to insert something in the track in order to prevent the door from moving. Whether you use a metal rod or a wooden dowel from the hardware store, it’s an inexpensive fix to block your sliding glass door’s track from the inside. It requires no permanent installation or expensive hardware. Even if a criminal breaks the glass, they won’t be able to open the door, which can prevent them from getting inside in many cases depending on the construction of your particular sliding glass door.

2. Protect the Glass with Window Film

Window film can be purchased that you can install on the interior of your sliding glass door in order to hold the glass together in case a criminal tries using force to gain entry to your residence. There is also privacy film you can purchase which creates a mottled or otherwise textured effect, allowing the light to penetrate but blurring the view for those outside.

3. Ensure that Your Exterior is Adequately Lit

Since most sliding glass doors are located on the backside of a home, they may not have adequate lighting. Even if your home has a patio light, you might not always keep up on replacing it if it burns out, or it may not give sufficient illumination to chase away the shadows. Since criminals prefer to do their work in secrecy, this creates an ideal environment for them to break in. It’s a fairly inexpensive investment to purchase and install motion-activated LED lights in order to brighten up your exterior without upping your electricity bill significantly. Adequate lighting is one of the best ways to make your home look like less of an ideal target for a potential criminal.

4. Consider Investing in a Security System

If you’ve had issues with break-ins in your neighborhood or are away from your home for long periods of time, you may want to consider investing in a security system for your doors and windows, including your sliding glass door. You can also find freestanding individual alarms with sensors that you can install specifically on your back door. When set, this type of alarm sounds off if the connection between the sensors is broken. When integrated with the other protections on this list, this can create a strong line of defense for your home.

If you’re considering a door lock, there are a few factors to take into an account. A full home security system is more expensive and requires more effort to use, but it also usually links to a third-party monitoring service that tracks any instances of the alarm going off and alerts the proper authorities right away, if needed. A freestanding alarm won’t let anyone but you and your neighbors (as well as the criminal in question) that the door has been breached, but it can be a very effective deterrent.

5. Upgrade the Lock or Install an Additional Lock

Most sliding glass or patio doors come outfitted with inexpensive, basic locks that do little more than hold the door shut against natural elements and pets. A criminal can easily use technique of force or tampering, such as merely jiggling the door a certain way, to kick the latch loose and gain access to your home. While you can use the techniques above to protect against this threat, you could also consider having a locksmith upgrade your current lock or install an additional lock to reinforce the door.

A high-security lock should be made of reinforced steel and can be installed at the top portion or bottom portion of the door. Drop-down or sliding locks can also be installed on the upper part of the track that block the door from sliding either at all or more than a few inches. These locks are difficult or impossible for a criminal to reach from the outside of the door when the lock is engaged.

Some forms of easy-to-install patio door locks operate using a key for an additional level of protection. It’s crucial that you know where this key is at all times, however, in case of a fire or similar emergency that requires you to make a swift exit.

When to Call a Locksmith for Assistance

If you’re looking to better secure your sliding glass or patio door and want to get the advice or services of a professional, a locksmith is the right place to turn. An experienced residential locksmith will know all of the available locks for your sliding glass or patio door and which ones are the best choice for your home and budget.